Kennen Sie „Greensleeves“?
Dieses Stück ist von König Heinrich VIII. (1509-1547) für seine zweite Frau Anne Boleyn komponiert worden- Anne Boleyn, die Mutter Elisabeth I. (* 7. September 1533 in Greenwich; † 24. März 1603 in Richmond).
Eine Familie mit Kunst im Blut.
Heinrich VIII. hat uns viele Werke hinterlassen: Prosa, Musik…und Elisabeth, seine Tochter, die Königin eines Zeitalters, ist ebenfalls eine große Künstlerin gewesen.
Sie war großzügige Förderin der Kunst und der Theater, spielte selber etliche Instrumente und schrieb Lieder und Gedichte.
Zur selben Zeit lebte in London der Zeitgenosse William Shakespeare (* wahrscheinlich 23. April, getauft am 26. April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon; † 23. April 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon).
Man weiß viel von Shakespeare, kennt seine Werke, sein Leben. Aber es gibt etwa acht Jahre, von 1584/85 bis 1592, in denen der Verbleib und das Tun Shakespeares unbekannt sind.
In ebendiesen Jahren war Königin Elisabeth I. damit beschäftigt, die Spanier und die Schotten in den Griff zu bekommen. Maria Stuarts Zeit ging zu Ende, die Armada wurde vernichtend geschlagen. Viele ihrer Briefe stammen aus dieser Zeit. Sie schrieb viel Musik, Gedichte und fand Entspannung von den täglichen, anstrengenden Staatsgeschäften in der Muße.
In jenen Tagen ziemte es sich nicht, als Frau und Königin Gedichte zu verfassen- so schrieb die Königin im Verborgenen. Wie hätte sie auch je erkennen können, ob das Volk glaubte, ihre Werke lieben zu müssen oder wirklich liebte?
Die meisten Künstlerseelen aber möchten ihre Werke mit anderen teilen- es lag also nahe, dass Elisabeth I. einen Weg finden musste.
-Fortsetzung folgt-
Do you know "Greensleeves"?
This piece is from King Henry VIII (1509-1547) for his second wife Anne Boleyn was composed- Anne Boleyn, the mother of Elizabeth I (born September 7, 1533 in Greenwich, † March 24, 1603 in Richmond).
A family with Art in the blood.
Henry VIII has left us many works: prose, music ... and Elizabeth, his daughter, the queen of an era, is also a great artist been.
She was a generous patron of the arts and theatre, played several instruments herself and wrote songs and poems.
At the same time in London, the contemporary of William Shakespeare lived (probably * April 23, christened on 26 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, † April 23, 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon).
We know a lot about Shakespeare, his works knows, his life. But there are about eight years, from 1584/85 to 1592 in which the fate and the doings of Shakespeare are unknown.
During these years, Queen Elizabeth I was busy trying to get to the Spaniards and the Scots under control. Mary Stuart came to an end, the Armada was defeated. Many of her letters do come from this period. She wrote lots of music, poetry and found relaxation from the daily, busy state business in the leisure.
In those days, it is not fitting for a woman and Queen to write poetry-so the Queen wrote in secret. How could she ever be able to recognize that the people believed to have to love their work or really loved?
The most artistic souls want to share their work with others, it was natural, then, that Elizabeth I had to find a way.
This piece is from King Henry VIII (1509-1547) for his second wife Anne Boleyn was composed- Anne Boleyn, the mother of Elizabeth I (born September 7, 1533 in Greenwich, † March 24, 1603 in Richmond).
A family with Art in the blood.
Henry VIII has left us many works: prose, music ... and Elizabeth, his daughter, the queen of an era, is also a great artist been.
She was a generous patron of the arts and theatre, played several instruments herself and wrote songs and poems.
At the same time in London, the contemporary of William Shakespeare lived (probably * April 23, christened on 26 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, † April 23, 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon).
We know a lot about Shakespeare, his works knows, his life. But there are about eight years, from 1584/85 to 1592 in which the fate and the doings of Shakespeare are unknown.
During these years, Queen Elizabeth I was busy trying to get to the Spaniards and the Scots under control. Mary Stuart came to an end, the Armada was defeated. Many of her letters do come from this period. She wrote lots of music, poetry and found relaxation from the daily, busy state business in the leisure.
In those days, it is not fitting for a woman and Queen to write poetry-so the Queen wrote in secret. How could she ever be able to recognize that the people believed to have to love their work or really loved?
The most artistic souls want to share their work with others, it was natural, then, that Elizabeth I had to find a way.
-to be continued-